
  • Fundamentals of breathing

    Explaining autonomic nervous system responses and how to trigger them through mental imagery to train muscle and tendon groups in the abdomen, throat, and pharynx. Strengthening the coordination of all areas of the vocal instrument.

  • Building Tone

    Building tone through use of vocal exercises which stimulate strength of resonators such as soft palate and pharynx.

  • Songs

    Use of pedagogical vocal literature to aid in the development of breathing and tone applied to the manipulation of vowel shapes and consonants. Singers learn to develop sung vowels and modification of certain consonants in order to achieve the best tonal vocabulary.

  • Performance

    Performance opportunities in the rock, blues and pop genres are available in local Atlanta youth jams.



  • Overview

    Students learn best when approaching the three basics of playing at the same time. Graded levels offer age-appropriate lessons in each area.

  • Theory

    The basics of learning how to read music, how musical pieces are put together, how scales and chords work together, rhythm, dynamics, etc.

  • Technique

    The entire body alignment is important for good strength and balance. Focus is mainly on the arms and hands, teaching efficient ways of using them to play as effectively as possible. Scales and chord progressions help connect technique with theory, and ultimately with the pieces the student will play.

  • Literature

    Graded music pieces which are age-appropriate help consolidate theory and technique with interesting and fun ways of playing the piano.